Children's Books
Margret Hutton (Miracle) was born March 10, 1973. She is the proud mother of four children. The magic of her children's books, celebrated among the best of all time. Her stories are cherished and read with love by generations She has always wanted to be a teacher and a writer ever since her elementary and high school days ,which have been accomplished with God's helping hand. Margret's educational background includes a high school diploma, received from Utica Consolidated in 1991 and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Tougaloo College in 1997 with concentrations in English, Art, and Math, and a Master’s Degree in Education from Strayer University in 2011. Margret obtained her teacher license upon graduation from her alma mater in 1997. Her career as a writer began when she was 18 years old. In lieu of this, she has written several poems, in which two have been published in a local newspaper in her hometown, Winter and A Patriotic Melody (a dedication to the 911 victims and their families).
Margret produced and directed numerous short plays at Utica Mixon Elementary School where she taught and two major community plays entitled “The Big Showdown” with the renowned dance troupe, The Mahogany Dancers, in 2004 on the campus of Hinds Community College in Utica, Mississippi and “Twas the Night Before Valentine’s” in 2018 at Capital City Alternative School in Jackson, Mississippi. She has also worked with a local area producer, Kenneth Stiggers on a comedy television series. Her roles on this series included an Egyptologist and Aunt Jemima. She also helped to design characters for this series such as, the Daughters of Kemet, the Sausage Sandwich Sisters, and the Sausage Sandwich Family Singers, She also won second place in a dance contest at the Mississippi State Fair in 2010. Lastly, Ms. Hutton is an accomplished author. Her book, Mississippi Twist, is listed globally online in major book chains such as, Barnes and Nobles and Books-A-Million.
Among her latest accomplishments have been receiving a trophy for Best Spoken Word Artist in 2012 from Mississippi Got Talent performance for the poem/skit, “Real Woman.” Margret has also received an International Songwriter’s award for the song, “Riding” in 2017. She also wrote a song, “Your Love,” for national recording artist, JWONN and the song, “Wonders” for Minister, Nemi Iselema. Ms. Hutton is also a registered BMI songwriter. She has copyrighted numerous lyrics with the U.S. Library of Congress. Margret also entered a songwriting contest with the Greater Jackson Arts’ Council in 2018 with the song, “Woman in the Mirror”, and placed in the 10 ten. In addition to this, she currently has two song lyrics pending with Mr. Sipp, a national and international recording artist (Castro Coleman), awaiting production.
Ms. Hutton is living proof that dreams do come true if you put God first and never let your situation define who you are. Always believe that you can do all things through Christ, which strenghten you (Phillippians 4:13), and always look to the hill from whence your help cometh (Psalms 121), and watch the "impossible" dream(s) become "possible".
Mississippi Miracle is a heartwarming children's book that celebrates the power of resilience, community, and hope. Through captivating storytelling and vibrant illustrations, it inspires young readers to believe in miracles and the strength that comes from unity. The book offers valuable life lessons while engaging the imaginations of children, making it a delightful read for all
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